Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Plants in my garden in the middle of June

The blueberries are looking good and we should have a bumper crop later in the summer.

The raspberries are looking great also.

I am about ready to have Ron take the chainsaw to the Kiwi again. It is way beyond my feeble pruning efforts, but it is hard for me to get rid of anything that grows so well.

Strawberries are just starting to ripen.

The cold wet spring has been hard on the squash, pumpkin, cucumber and like crops, but a few have still survived the slugs, bunnies, deer, and galloping children.

This may be my entire cherry crop. The deer just love the cherry trees and they have pruned them good.

Thinning and thinning and thinning the apples has really helped the remaining apples grow well.

The corn is up pretty well in spite of the poor weather for corn.

I also have beans, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, carrots, and beets that are growing pretty well.

We really do need some extended days of sunshine though to make everything grow better.

1 comment:

  1. That feeble plant resembles my squash and cukes. Warm weather crops and flower seeds are suffering this spring. And the berries are really late.
