Starting at the pergola in Pioneer Square for a tour of Underground Seattle. We all enjoyed the stories of Seattle's racy past. Our tour guide, Shane, was very entertaining and funny.

The tour took us through three blocks of the old streets and sidewalks that used to be the ground level. After fighting tides and rains and sewage disposal problems, the city fathers decided to move the hills into the lowlands.

Sewage flowed into the bay fine on a low tide, however, the flow reversed when the tide came in. The original solution to this problem was to publish tide tables so Seattleites could plan their bathroom visits.

By building tall stone walls around one block at a time, they could fill the roads to higher than water level.
Lots of people here to take the tour. A good time was had by all.

Heading into the underground.
Since we got an early start with our underground tour starting at 10 a.m., we had plenty of time to have a great Thai lunch in Pioneer Square and then trek up 1st Ave to Pike Street to the Pike Place Market.

Jesse was our "tip boy". Here we rewarded the banjo player at the market entrance.

Fruit, vegetables, seafood, fresh bread, spices, crafts, flowers - anything you want fresh, you can get it here!

The market pig at the market entrance with my daughter, Amy, and granddaughter, Sara, and grandson, Jesse.
Then we just had to walk the mile along the waterfront to where we parked the car. We left Amy there, as she insisted she wanted to walk another 5 blocks home. No wonder she stays so slim!
We all slept on the way home except for Ron, who had to do the driving.