Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May Flowers and Projects


The area between the houses and the lake has been kind of neglected over the past few years.  We have a set of steps to the lake in the pea gravel, but weeds have overlayed the gravel, and the steps were getting a bit ragged. When I started weeding the area, the project began to evolve.

As I pulled weeds from the lake and weeded the bank, Ron emptied the many wheelbarrow loads for me as the slope demands a strong person to push the load uphill. 

The vision I have now is for a lawn between the house and the gravel which forms a bridge the lawn mower can cross between the two grassy areas. 

Meanwhile, Ron has split and stacked about 8 cords of wood, so we should be all set to stay cozy next winter.

Everything is in bloom right now. The rhodies are starting to wane, but the iris are in full bloom.

Even the sage is blooming. Interesting little blossoms that kind of look like mini orchids.

It's been a busy month - all about projects and work - June will be more about family and gatherings.

1 comment:

  1. You have some beautiful iris.
    You are taking on more big projects! Be careful and don't hurt yourself. Your life style requires mobility!
