Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 2022

 Unfortunately, a super cold and wet April is being followed by a cold and wet May around here.  Mama ducks and geese don't care - They are continuing life as normal with baby chicks showing up every day now.

The steep bank in front of the house that we cleared of an assortment of sturdy weeds looks pretty good.  The iris I moved from other spots all have buds, and the native wildflowers are in full bloom.  We had planted heather, Candy Tuft, and transplanted rhododendron on the bank also, so it is pretty full.

Since this bank is under control and I can keep it up by pulling weeds any time I pass by, I started another project:

Another steep bank - Lots of rocks for a rock border at the base, and lots of exercise moving each small one.  The biggest rocks have to become part of the landscaping.  This one is bigger than the one in front of the log house, and steeper, but I'm making progress! Four more banks to go - then maintenance should keep me busy.

In the meantime, I've kept busy - powerwashing all the walkways, planting the gardens, weeding....
Busy time of year for us!

The Hugel mound has radishes, carrots, celery, beans, peas, cabbage and some flowers growing, but the only things that is thriving in this cold, wet weather are radishes and Shasta daisies.

I hope my June update will include some sunshine and things like pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I hope so too. We haven't done much vegetable planting yet because of the cold. Maybe once it warms up I'll just plant zucchini, basil and flowers. :-)
    You, on the other hand, have done, and are doing, an impressive amount of work!
