Monday, August 23, 2021

Pumpkin Patch and Hugelkulture Mound Progress

In the background, you can see the green bean trellis, then cabbages, then cucumber vine, then Marigolds surrounding the beets.  I harvested some carrots from it today, and was amazed at how well they had done.  We've been eating green beans, cucumbers, and beets already.  The cabbage are nearly ready:

Everything in the Hugel mound is flourishing. So is everything in the pumpkin patch.  Not sure what all I have there as I planted some seeds I had saved in the past.  I know I have a zucchini plant, but what is this monster on the zucchini plant?  As you can see, it has normal looking zucchini on the same plant.
I think if I set up a time lapse camera on the pumpkins I could actually watch them grow.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by fruit and veggies at the moment, but I love seeing the jars of jam and pickles filling up the pantry shelves.  

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