Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Lake Istokpoga


This appears to be the main park on a very large lake just outside Sebring, Florida.  We couldn't figure out if it was a city or a county park, but it isn't a State Park and isn't listed on any of the maps we've found.  And how to pronounce it?  Not a clue.

Another well tended and nearly empty park, with restrooms, picnic pavilions, trails, boardwalks along the lake and boat ramps.  There were several trucks with empty boat trailers (most with out of state plates) in the parking lots, and we did see boats out on the lake with fishermen.

They do have rules and informational signs.  These are more about fishing rules and regulations and less about teaching.  We talked to the lone fisherman at the end of the dock, and he told us that bass and crappie were the species found on the lake.

The boardwalks and benches extend out into the lake so you can see just how large the lake is.

We did spot an alligator lying in the middle of a patch of water lilies and weeds at the edge of the lake.

Can you spot him?  There's also a little blue heron and a turtle in this picture.

Obviously the park was developed over a swampy area, because the Cypress trees can still be found in the grassy areas, and oddly Cypress knees pop up all over the open dry spaces.

1 comment:

  1. There must be plenty of water in that ground for the cypress trees to continue to grow and send up knees.
    Again, very interesting.
