For the first time in many years, my corn is looking better than that in the professional corn fields around Marysville and Mt Vernon.
It should be "knee high by the 4th of July" for sure. The difference is finding a source for a truckload of manure! You can see the cute row marker that my sister, Molly, makes. I've collected cardboard all year to cover my paths between rows to discourage weeds. It's Ron's turn for the tractor, so the tiller is off and the mower is on and I have to deal with weeds by hand until fall when I get the tiller back on.
I finally finished cleaning all the weeds (and Comfrey) from along my garden fence to make room for all the flowers my friend Karen has shared with me.
I have about five kinds of squash and three kinds of pumpkins that are looking really good this year.
Peas - some producing now, the second planting on the left isn't quite in bloom yet.
The tall stuff in the middle is a mixture of lettuce. Cucumbers beyond that, and more corn on the left, strawberries on the right.
Raspberries are loaded, but still grass green. In another week, I will be up to my eyeballs in raspberries.
I thinned and thinned and thinned the apples when they were in the blossom stage, but obviously didn't thin them enough.
Blackberries look good this year too.
So do the blueberries.
Oooh, I see figs on the fig tree!
Hoping to beat the birds to the grapes this year.
Considering the long cold spring, things are looking pretty good on this first day of summer!