Monday, June 3, 2013

Molly's Garden

My sister, Molly, obviously inherited the majority of the green thumb in the family.  She and her husband, Bill, just moved into their house six weeks ago.   They started from scratch in a yard with only a tiny landscaped area in front with a few Rhodies in bloom.   Most gardens are visible on June 3 by the stakes marking out where stuff is planted, with an occasional green leaf or two showing.  
Molly and Bill must have started their garden the day they arrived from eastern Washington six weeks ago.  Bill built the raised beds and Molly began planting.
Molly designed artistic garden stakes that Bill cut out in his workshop and Molly painted.

It does show me just how much can be done with raised beds.  They add color and texture and beauty to the landscaping and provide fresh organic vegetables.  
The house is beautiful also, but as usual, I'm more impressed with gardens than houses.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. They do have a good start on the vegies. Lots of sunny areas, unlike my shady yard, and now this week we'll get some more heat.
