Pascagoula....rebuilding the seawall, pouring sand behind it and making a promenade for miles. Road was washed out by Katrina, so it is also under construction.
A property for sale along the beach in Pascagoula. We called and talked to the owner/seller, and he said it had 10 feet of water over it when Katrina came through. He lost 2 trees, but it is hard to see any remnants of the mess caused by the hurricane. However, at $3500 a front foot, we will have to pass on this. :)
Stimulus dollars at work. You can see the stream of sand being dredged from the gulf floor and being dumped onto the area behind the seawall. The sand, when it dries out, is beautiful and white and looks like powdered sugar.
The hotel where we stayed had about half damaged beyond repair. The rebuilding process is well underway all along the waterfront in Biloxi.
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