Monday, March 24, 2025

Spring has Sprung!


Seeds, seeds, seeds. It reminds me of when I was picking strawberries when I was 14 and when I closed my eyes at night, all I could see was strawberries.  Our local Facebook garden club was gifted two banker boxes full of seeds. They were in a total jumble, and four of us spent several hours sorting them over the past few days. Just when I thought we were totally done, as I had the original troche of seeds neatly sorted with the excess bagged in gallon ziplocs, Dale, our donator, stopped by with several more ziplocs of flower seeds. We plan to give them away at the plant sale, and then hope someone will be willing to take the balance to further distribute them.

I have five vendors signed up for the sale May 3 at the library in town. Somehow, I went from being mildly interested in selling some hanging baskets, to becoming the main organizer. I can commit to one day a year for my gardening buddies. Doing the Farmer's Market in town every Sunday is way beyond my ambition level.

So now, looking forward to our first 70 degree and sunny day this year, I have a treasure trove of seeds to spread around my world.

Happy Spring!!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

At least winter waited to arrive until February. January was cold and clear with hardly any precipitation of any kind. Not a single flake of snow until February 1.

As it got colder and stayed cold every night, the lake began to freeze. The visiting swans looked like they were hibernating. Open water remained for part of the lake for our entire cold spell, so they are still hanging around. They're so huge, they dwarf the Canadian geese.

One of my favorite plants is it is blooming in the snow. In winter, I need some color. Even though the snow is beautiful in many ways, it does tend to turn our world black and white.
The big maple tree was lovely for the first day. The snow quickly fell off as every day managed to get above freezing. 
Inside, I'm getting started on my garden, so my kitchen table is pretty much fully planted. I traded my friend Lisa a bucket of honey for a big heat mat, so hopefully this year I'll get a head start on the garden.