Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 2024


A tub of water, a sunny day, and a bunch of children! We all enjoyed watching the great grandkids' antics on our visit to the Tonasket family.

Uncle Jesse pulling a wagonful of children. 

When you've just been dunked, nothing better than a grandma lap for comfort.

Stopped by the fruit warehouse in Pateros on our way home and picked up a couple of boxes of cherries. We ate a bunch fresh - so fun to find abundant cherries in season. Then home and the canning began. I pitted 6 quarts and froze for smoothies in the winter, and canned 14 quarts for the pantry.

The deer are keeping the peas pruned, but I do spot a few pods they missed. Deer favorite food: peas, beans, cabbage, raspberry and blackberry vines, and all ornamentals. We have a doe with two spotted fawns, and a doe with a single baby that are pretty much residents here.
 This little guy came by to sample the bird feeder offering.

In spite of all the wild residents, I still have hope of having cucumbers for pickles, onions, raspberries, blackberries, apples, pears, figs, cabbage, lettuce, corn, kohlrabi, potatoes, celery, tomatoes, and peppers for our use.


Lots of flowers for fragrance, beauty and bees. Why I love this time of year!