We've had a busy month here at the lake. Our storage building is really taking shape now.
Tony came and created walls to make our little storage building useful! Before he left, we had siding, walls, windows, and doors, and the work really begins for Ron and I. My brother-in-law, Scott told me when we were building houses in Georgia that there were 100,000 details in building a house. This at about the 30,000 mark.
I don't think the 100,000 details even includes all the shopping you have to do....finding the proper material for the batts on the siding took a full day, and figuring out how to haul it home, changing vehicles to do that, loading, and unloading...and then cutting each length and nailing it up, caulking each nail hole before painting - all tasks that take time. Meanwhile, inside insulating every crack and crevice. I did everything I could from a 3 step ladder (all I'm qualified for) and then Ron and I worked together to do the ceiling and high areas. Minimizing ups and downs on ladders as much as possible. We'll probably be coughing up fiberglas for a month, and probably shortened our lives by a couple of years, but we got it done!On to sheetrocking inside. Fortunately we have an amazing contractor for that. I don't think our old bodies would be up to a sheetrock project.Sometimes when you're working hard and have a nice day, you just have to take time to stop and enjoy your world. I didn't catch any fish, but I did catch some rays.To catch fish, you need a real fisherman to give you some instruction.