December has been all about family. We made a quick trip over the mountains to visit with our son, Tony, Daughter-in-law, Tina, and Granddaughter, Sara with her family, and Grandson, Jesse.
Even the great grandkids are growing up,
but we do still get some baby time with the littlest ones.

Lots of great food wherever we have gone this Christmas season. It's great to see the next generation taking over the gatherings! We'll still do some summer camping here at the lake, but fall and winter get togethers work better in the kids' big houses!
I know it's too early, but I'm starting to get ready for Spring planting! My friend, Lisa, got me this heat mat (it's the pink thing under my plants. It has a thermostat that is set to 68, and so far, it's kept everything alive in the entire greenhouse.
Even the tobacco plant, which I think is supposed to be an annual, has survived thus far even after I cut all the leaves off a couple of months ago. It just put out new leaves.
For my experimental gardening project in 2024, I'm trying electroculture. It involves copper wire poked into the ground by plants. Not sure I'm even going about it right - I found a bag full of bamboo stakes and spent the morning stripping copper wire and wrapping them for use when I start my planting.