Random posts about family, gardens, crafts, and travels.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Well, SNOW (the worst curse word I can think of!) Here we are on the last day of February once again looking out at snow. At least this time the ice on the lake isn't advancing, and the ground under the new snow is wet. It can't last long - at least that's what we keep telling ourselves.
We spent most of February working on our latest project. We took out about 60' of OLD grape vines that were totally entangled in the hog wire, electric, and chicken wire fence that bordered the driveway. Our plan is to relocate the fence on more of a diagonal to the driveway, and build a small tool shed to house the tractor and golf cart with a picnic pavilion on the lake side.
When we have gatherings here, we always need more space, so a covered area with picnic tables, surrounded by flowers and fruit trees is the current plan. Of course, to do this properly, we need power, so we've had more logging, more cleanup, more work to prepare a pathway for the PUD to bring power to the site. I've always wanted to have power at the greenhouse, so that should help there also.
Meanwhile, I have multiple plants growing on my kitchen table, just waiting for a better environment to grow properly.