The old deck is gone, and Tony is here to begin the final stages of replacing the deck. Finally, the demolition is done and the building part begins.So nice to have a professional working on this project! When working with an old log house, it takes part construction expert and part artist. Tony is both, and thankfully willing to drive 500 miles round trip and stay with us until the project is done.
Ron and I are back at work - first chinking between the logs and the deck. Then on to Home Depot with a sample of the decking to match the color so we could do railings and the stringers under the deck and steps and the new chinking painted. I spent a lot of time masking the deck boards so we could paint the chinking that extended to the decking.

So in the midst of the driest summer on record (less than a half inch of rain in 95 days) there are forest fires even on this side of the mountains, and a helicopter did a dip in our lake for the first time in my lifetime!
Apple butter in work. I've been experimenting with making candy too: Aplets and blackberry gummies. In a flash of inspiration, I wondered if I could dip the gummies in chocolate to make chocolates with blackberry or apple centers. They turned out pretty good, but I'm still tweaking the recipe.
Meanwhile, while summer temperatures and dry weather persist into Fall, the fall crocus let us know that fall really is coming.