I renewed my real estate broker license this year and am actively working again. Part of what I'm doing is providing a monthly newsletter for happenings in our town and surrounding area.
News from the State Legislature regarding taxes:
Real Estate Excise tax that is paid when real estate is sold will be changing in 2020. The current rate is a flat 1.28% of the sales price. A graduated scale will change that so a property sold in 2020 that has a sale price of $500,000 or less will owe slightly less tax at 1.1% - Properties from $500,000 to $1.5 million will still pay 1.28%. Properties $1.5 to $3.0 million will see an increase to 2.75%, and properties over $3 million will pay a 3% excise tax.
An excise tax on vaping products was also passed, and changes were made to current tax exemptions, including amending the current sales tax break for residents who live in states that don't have a sales tax, like Oregon. Under the plan, non-residents would be able to request sales tax refunds of more than $25 and would be limited to one refund per year.
The lid on school levies was also lifted.
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Explore Granite Falls and the Mountain Loop—Great YouTube video about our area - If you've never visited this area, this will show you a lot of what we have to offer - Click on the link below:
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Real Estate Happenings:
BBQ Bucket restaurant sold as long time owners retire—Thai restaurant coming soon.
A Bistro type restaurant will move into the old Tom Thumb grocery store building soon.
The latest estimate for the opening of the new city hall is sometime in July.
A strip mall in the area adjacent to IGA is in the early planning stages.
O’Reilly Auto Parts broke ground for their store across from McDonalds.
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May gardening tip: Our normal latest frost day is around the first of May, so it’s safe to plant warm weather crops now. For quicker germination of corn, soak seeds overnight before planting.
Tomato and pepper plants do better if provided with stakes for support. If we get a cold night, any cover helps plants to survive and thrive.
Roundup alternative: A quart of water, a cup of vinegar, a cup of Epson Salts, and a couple of tablespoons of Dawn dishwashing detergent.
Call me for a complementary market analysis for your property as we enter the busiest time of year for real estate. I love Granite Falls and look forward to working with you to buy or sell in this area.