Monday, March 6, 2017

Another Quick 8,000 Mile Trip

When we left Washington in mid-February to go to our Georgia winter home, we expected to see sunshine as soon as we got through the mountains of Oregon and Northern California, but this is what most of our trip through California looked like.
After months of rain, everything is flooded - rivers, streams, fields, orchards, parking lots, and some roads.
We got a tiny peak of sunshine and blue skies as we left Bakersfield before the clouds rolled back in and the rain started again.
Still under the Jet Stream in Texas, we encountered an amazing storm with lightning strikes that covered the sky and then this vertical rainbow.

On the positive side:  gas prices kept going down the further east we went, and we finally left the rain behind when we hit Mississippi.

Back in Georgia - sunshine and warmth, and spring flowers in bloom.
Every night we had a beautiful sunset to enjoy.
But we also had a years' worth of deferred maintenance, so we worked hard for a week getting everything back in order.

The trip home was much less stressful until we got to the Siskiyous, where we had some serious snow coming down.
It was snowing hard when we got home about 8 p.m. but fortunately, it wasn't sticking to the ground.

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