Monday, October 17, 2016

The River is Angry

When we had an office in the city of Granite Falls, often tourists would stop in to ask "Is there really a falls?" 

Yes - there is a falls - it is located about a mile east of town on the road to the popular camping areas of the Mt Baker National Forest located further up Mt. Loop Highway.
Just before the first bridge where the highway crosses the Stilliguamish River, if you look closely, you can see the sign at the trail head.  A small parking lot has trail access on both ends.
Stairs to the left - sloped gravel trail to the right.
Looking down river from the fish ladder.  On the other side is one of the prettiest box canyons you can walk to anywhere.
Some of the equipment on the fish ladder is very old.
The fish ladder is 560 feet long - more facts:
Here's a short video of the river October 17, 2016:

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