Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo - November Again!

November, which is already a pretty busy month with Thanksgiving and all, is also the month each year when lazy proscrastinating authors  attempt to write a novel in one month.  It actually isn't that daunting of a task - a mere 1667 words a day - but every day of the month.  The every day part is what is daunting.  The idea being to dump the words into your word processor, and worry about editing and changing and revising next month or next year, but to at least have a working script to deal with.  

Last year I entered the program for the first time and did manage to complete my first draft of my first novel during the month.  Since it was based on the life of a friend, it wasn't that hard - I knew what was going to happen next, and was able to lay out an outline before November 1, and actually completed revisions and editing before the end of last year.  I self-published the book and it is available at "Put your Hands on Your Head" 

I have written two memoirs, and one semi-factual biography.  This year, I am writing my first novel.  It probably falls into the "fantasy" genre - it is about a small boy who can occasionally see into the future.   I have an outline for the book, and got started right on schedule today with 1815 words in the bank.  

So for this month, probably fewer blog posts - with an update now and then of my novel progress.

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